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Також рекомендуємо вам прочитати коротеньку інструкцію як качати з файлообмінників на українській та російській мовах
Різні утиліти для тестування Вашої системи. Опис і ськріншоти нижчі..
PerformanceTest 6.1
Easy to use Benchmark software for Windows. PerformanceTest allows you
to objectively benchmark a PC using twenty seven different speed tests
then compare the results to other computers.
BurnInTest 5.3 new
Computer stability and reliability testing software for Windows &
Linux. BurnInTest is a software tool that heavily loads all the major
subsystems of a computer with the aim of thoroughly exercising the
hardware in a PC in a short period of time.
TestLog 3.0
TestLog is an integrated test case management system. It provides a
tool for software test teams and engineering companies to create and
update effective test cases. TestLog has been designed with versatility
in mind and should plug seamlessly into any testing methodology.
WirelessMon 2.1
Monitor the status of wireless adapters and gather information about
nearby wireless access points in real time, log the information
collected into files, GPS support, create signal strength maps,
provides comprehensive graphing of signal level and real time IP and
WiFi statistics.
BatteryMon 2.1
Monitor the performance of battery systems being used to power portable
computers and uninterruptible power supplies connected to servers. The
battery charge level is graphed in real time, along with an
extrapolated trend line and comparison trend line.
MonitorTest 3.0
Investigate the quality and performance of computer monitors and LCD
flat panel screens using a series of test patterns displayed at various
KeyboardTest 3.0
Visually check that none of the keys on your laptop or desktop keyboard
are stuck or broken. Measure the keyboard repeat rate and response
times. See the internal BIOS key codes and language dependant Windows
codes. Design and customise your own keyboard layouts.
ModemTest 1.3
Test your dial up modem and telephone line for errors and connection
speed. A local loopback test is provided as well as a master / slave
test. The master / slave test requires 2 modems and 2 telephone lines.
ModemTest is compatible with most dial up modems. (9.6 - 56Kbits)
SoundCheck 3.0
Check the performance of PC sound cards, speakers and microphones.
Create test tones at various samples rates. View the waveform and use
the built in spectrum analyzer to see the response.