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    Давайте разом економити наш хостинг.
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    TechTool Pro v4.6.2 DVD Mac OS X
    02.10.2008, 14:35
    TechTool Pro v4.6.2 DVD Mac OS X

    TechTool Pro - программа диагностики и устранение неисправностей жестких дисков в Macintosh, работающего под Mac OS X. TechTool Pro 4 включает в себя технологию S.M.A.R.T. проверяющую жесткий диск на возможный отказ, уведомление по e-mail о возможных неполадках, функции оптимизации и дефрагментации и множество других полезных функций.
    Отличительная особенность TechTool Pro - наличие eDrive (аварийная загрузочная область с программой, создающаяся без форматирования жесткого диска). Позволяет осуществлять загрузку компьютера и произвести диагностику. TechTool Pro V4.6.2 имеет полную поддержку Mac OS X 10.5.
    TechTool Pro v4.6.2 DVD Mac OS X

    The complete Macintosh problem solving utility.
    Why throw away your money on a multitude of utilities that force you to learn different interfaces and deal with a variety of companies and/or different products? Micromat gives you everything you need in one box–for far less money.
    Diagnose, Fix and Prevent Problems
    TechTool Pro 4 is a complete Macintosh repair shop in a box. In fact, it’s so good that Apple includes a copy of its sibling, TechTool Deluxe, in its AppleCare Protection Plan. If you have ever experienced a system bomb, freeze, crash, or indecipherable error code, TechTool Pro 4 can help you get your computer running smoothly again.
    You don’t need to be an expert technician to run TechTool Pro 4. The interface allows you to easily perform a comprehensive suite of tests unattended, so even novices can run the program with just one click of the mouse. At the conclusion of testing a detailed report is generated. This report summarizes what was done, alerts you of any problems that were found, and instructs you how to proceed in that case.
    If you are the type of user who wants to explore the inner workings of your hardware and software in depth, TechTool Pro 4’s detailed tests and reports will delight you. Almost every type of test you can imagine is available. TechTool Pro 4 even includes data recovery routines. These can often rescue important files from drives that no longer mount. If you wish, TechTool Pro 4 will also monitor your computer in the background, alerting you of developing problems so that you can address them as quickly as possible.
    The program multitasks for optimum speed and performance. An innovative feature unique to TechTool Pro 4 is the eDrive. The program lets you create an emergency startup partition that includes TechTool Pro 4 on one of your hard drives. It does this without the need to reinitialize your hard drive. Once you have an eDrive (which can be easily updated), you no longer need to use the program CD for testing or maintenance.
    The Only Complete Solution on the Market
    No product comes close to TechTool Pro 4 for ensuring that all of your hardware and software is operating at peak performance. No other software gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your valuable data is protected by the latest technology. With a single mouse click, TechTool Pro 4 can automatically run a series of sophisticated tests that will troubleshoot almost any problem you are having with your Macintosh. Nothing else even comes close to TechTool Pro! Use TechTool Pro 4 to:
    Check critical computer hardware
    Repair hard drive problems
    Monitor computers in the background for impending problems
    Obtain a detailed summary of hard drive S.M.A.R.T. parameters
    Defragment hard drives
    Optimize volume directories
    Back up critical directory data
    Recover data from damaged drives
    Create an eDrive repair partition to work on a computer's startup volume
    Securely delete important data from hard drives
    Скачать TechTool Pro v4.6.2 DVD Mac OS X (1.28 Гб):
    Одним файлом на максимальной скорости

    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 1
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 2
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 3
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 4
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 5
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 6
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 7
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 8
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 9
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 10
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 11
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 12
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 13
    Зеркало|Mirror - Part 14

    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 1
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 2
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 3
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 4
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 5
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 6
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 7
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 8
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 9
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 10
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 11
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 12
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 13
    Зеркало|Mirror №2 - Part 14

    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 1
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 2
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 3
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 4
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 5
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 6
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 7
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 8
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 9
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 10
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 11
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 12
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 13
    Зеркало|Mirror №3 - Part 14
    Части на разных файлообменниках взаимозаменяемы, в архивы добавлена информация для восстановления 3%
    Категорія: OC та комплектуючі | Додав: Admin | Додано: 02.10.2008, 14:35
    Перегляди: 431 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | | Непрацююча ссилка!
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