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    Adobe Illustrator CS4
    29.10.2008, 16:46

    Adobe Illustrator CS4

    Adobe Illustrator CS4 представляет собой универсальную среду работы с векторной графикой и обладает новыми возможностями прозрачности в градиентах и использования нескольких монтажных областей, которые позволяют открыть более эффективные способы работы.

    - Инструменты рисования являются интуитивными - Новый инструмент "Кисть-клякса" для создания естественных эскизов позволяет получать объекты с однородной заливкой. Расширенные элементы управления контурами и стили графики позволяют интуитивно рисовать векторные объекты.

    - Возможность работы с несколькими монтажными областями - Создавайте файлы, содержащие до 100 монтажных областей различных размеров. Отображайте монтажные области в желаемом виде - путем наложения, рядом или в виде стека.

    - Воспользуйтесь справкой - Ссылки на веб-сайты профессиональных сообществ, объединения, группы пользователей и блоги, посвященные одной теме - программе Adobe Illustrator.

    Adobe Illustrator CS4 software is a comprehensive vector graphics environment with new transparency in gradients and multiple artboards that invite you to explore more efficient ways to design.

    - Drawing tools are intuitive - The new Blob Brush tool for natural sketching results in a single, filled object. Advanced path controls and graphic styles make drawing with vectors intuitive.

    - You can design with multiple artboards - Create files containing up to 100 artboards of varying sizes. Display the artboards any way you want - overlapping, side by side, or stacked.

    - There's help out there - Find community websites, associations, user groups, and blogs that all have the same interest in mind: Adobe Illustrator.

    Top New Features

    - Multiple artboards - Create files containing up to 100 artboards of varying sizes and display them any way you want - overlapping, side by side, or stacked. Save, export, and print artboards independently or together. Save a selected range or all artboards as a multipage PDF file.

    - Transparency in gradients - Define the opacity of any individual color stop in a gradient. Reveal underlying objects and images, and create rich color and texture mixes using multiple layers, knockouts, and cover-up fades.

    - Blob Brush tool - Sketch with a brush that generates a single clean vector shape, even when strokes overlap. Draw naturally, using the Blob Brush tool together with the Eraser and Smooth tools.

    - Gradients exposed - Interact with gradients right on your object. Set gradient angle, position, and elliptical dimensions. Add and edit colors using sliders - all with immediate feedback where you work.

    - Integration and delivery - Collaborate with your team, work across products, and deliver almost anywhere thanks to integrated tools and extensive format support. Confidently design for print, interactive experiences, motion effects, and more.

    - Enhanced user experience - Stay in the creative groove thanks to interface improvements that include on-object controls. Interact with tools smoothly, and increase your efficiency using new timesaving features and shortcuts.

    - In-panel appearance editing - Edit object characteristics directly in the Appearance panel, eliminating the need to open fill, stroke, or effects panels. Work with shared attributes and control display for faster rendering.

    - Refined graphic styles - Combine styles for unique effects and increased efficiency, and apply styles without disturbing an object's existing appearance. Enjoy new thumbnail previews and an expanded library of prebuilt styles.

    - Clipping masks demystified - Work with masks more easily by viewing only the clipped area of your objects during editing. Take advantage of Isolation Mode, and use Edit Clipping Path for even more control.

    - Separations Preview - Avoid color output surprises such as unexpected spot colors, unwanted overprinting, overprints that don't overprint, white overprinting, and CMYK blacks in text and placed files.

    Системные требования (Windows):
    - 2GHz or faster processor
    - Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (Service Pack 3 recommended) or Windows Vista Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (certified for 32-bit Windows XP and Windows Vista)
    - 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
    - 2GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on flash-based storage devices)
    - 1,024x768 display (1,280x800 recommended) with 16-bit video card
    - DVD-ROM drive
    - Broadband Internet connection required for online services

    Размер: 1.02 Gb (Лекарство в комплекте)

    Скачать|Download rapidshare.com:


    Скачать|Download depositfiles.com:
    http://depositfiles.com/files/oaycjmhoa Illustrat0rCS4.part01.rar
    http://depositfiles.com/files/bc1qftjbc Illustrat0rCS4.part02.rar
    http://depositfiles.com/files/6ivs5x56z Illustrat0rCS4.part03.rar
    http://depositfiles.com/files/l7ecbflk2 Illustrat0rCS4.part04.rar
    http://depositfiles.com/files/7h0vi0yh6 Illustrat0rCS4.part05.rar
    http://depositfiles.com/files/zhppworgy Illustrat0rCS4.part06.rar
    http://depositfiles.com/files/2vxtmz2f1 Illustrat0rCS4.part07.rar
    http://depositfiles.com/files/trphg2ynw Illustrat0rCS4.part08.rar
    http://depositfiles.com/files/fa5rp45lp Illustrat0rCS4.part09.rar
    http://depositfiles.com/files/bbep7odwm Illustrat0rCS4.part10.rar
    http://depositfiles.com/files/lrsc9nree Illustrat0rCS4.part11.rar

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    Скачать|Download vip-file.com
    Зеркала совместимы!!!
    Категорія: Графіка | Додав: Admin | Додано: 29.10.2008, 16:46
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