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    Давайте разом економити наш хостинг.
    Також рекомендуємо вам прочитати коротеньку інструкцію як качати з файлообмінників на українській та російській мовах
    The Bundle Hi-Resolution Photoshop Brushes Collection CD (2009)
    20.08.2009, 09:43
    The Bundle Hi-Resolution Photoshop Brushes Collection CD (2009)

    На этом диске представлена Огромная Коллекция кистей высокого разрешения для Adobe Photoshop от Keosoft90. В коллекции более 1500 кистей высокого разрешения в самых разнообразных стилях - для дизайнеров, проектировщиков и художников. Для всех кистей есть превьюшки в формате *.jpg.

    Название: The Bundle Hi-Resolution Photoshop Brushes Collection CD
    Разработчик: Keosoft90
    Год выпуска: 2009
    Платформа/ОС: Windows All, MAC OSX
    Формат файла: ISO|ABR
    Размер файла: 588 Mb/Rar | 784 Mb/ISO

    Contents of this Collection:
    - Concrete Brushes & Patterns - 54 seamlessly tiling patterns, 72 Photoshop brushes and concrete textures.
    - Cr@cks - 120 Hi-res Cr@ck brushes, for modeling and texturing.
    - Cr@cks II - 71 New photoshop Cr@ck brushes, with Cr@cked and crumbling plaster walls, paint, rock, superfine hairline Cr@cks and some special brushes of glass, along with dirt & grit overlays.
    - Darkside Backgrounds (1 & 2 in .psd)v - 10 Horror and grunge backgrounds, created with multiple layers (as many as 10 to 15 layers), overlaided with different blend modes & blending options.
    - Fog - 69 Professional fog brushes. Easily simulate a wide variety of atmospheric effects to create a mood, or atmosphere, to inspire a range of feelings from solitude to serenity
    - Grunge - 75 Hi-res grunge brushes make it easy to add creative touches to any surface.
    - Grunge Edges (Plus Bonus Grunge Overlay) - 101 brushes used to create Cr@ckles, spots, faded areas and fine detail. This set also includes 8 Bonus Grunge Overlys.
    - Hi-Tech Cityscape - 84 Photoshop brushes of industrial and architecture structures, used to create the look of hi-tech detail quickly.
    - Nuts, Bolts & Holes - 167 brushes of nuts bolts & holes, with some additional extras.
    - Rusty Metal (Brushes and Layer Styles) - 75 Hi-res photoshop brushes of highly detailed rusted metal, with 33 layer styles.
    - Sci-Fi Brushes - 75 Highly detailed Photoshop brushes with a decidedly Sci-Fi flavor.
    - Scratches (Large & Small Sets) - 74 Hi-res photoshop brushes of real scratches, for backgrounds, texturing and modeling.
    - Skulls - 64 highly detailed skull brushes used to create mountains of skulls in seconds.
    - Skulls II - 55 more skulls to add to your library. These fantastic brushes will give you the cutting edge in your designs and renders.
    - Smoke - 70 Highly detailed Photoshop brushes of smoke.
    - Smoke 2 - 55 Hi-res Photoshop brushes of real smoke, this is the second smoke set and will compliment the first.
    - Splashes - 50 Hi-res Photoshop brushes of splashes, with which you can create dirt, snow, make-up, blood, stains and of course water effects. Layer Styles are also included.
    - Splash 2 - Hi-res highly detail Photoshop brushes of more splashes, to complement the "Splashes" pack.
    - Stains, Splatters Drips & Washes - 69 Hi-res Photoshop brushes featuring "Stains Splatters Drips & Washes" Photoshop layer styles are also included in this package!
    - Water - 59 Hi-res Photoshop brushes of water, bubbles, splashes, drips, splatters, foam, water drops and etc.
    - Wings of Water (including Wings of Wings) - 142 brushes Featuring water splashes, suggesting wings, along with extra details.

    To install Brushes in Adobe Photoshop CS3 & CS4:
    - Move the .abr (brush file) into the following folder locations (Default shown)
    - Windows Systems: C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS4/Presets/Brushes
    - MAC OSX: /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS4/Presets/Brushes
    Open Adobe Photoshop. Once open the brushes can be loaded from the Preset Manager Photoshop > Edit Menu > Preset Manager > Preset Type Brushes > Load Button
    Then Browse to the brush pack desired.
    Additionally the .abr (brush file) can be "Double Clicked" or "Run", to have the brushes automatically added to the brush pallet.







    Part1 | Part2 | Part3
    Part4 | Part5 | Part6

    Part1 | Part2 | Part3
    Part4 | Part5 | Part6
    Категорія: Графіка | Додав: Admin | Додано: 20.08.2009, 09:43
    Перегляди: 3140 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | | Непрацююча ссилка!
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