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Shadow Defender v1.1.0.275
08.10.2008, 17:03
Shadow Defender
- утилита для обеспечения защиты компьютера и конфиденциальностьи
информации. Предотвращает нежелательные и злонамеренные изменения в
вашем компьютере, позволяет загружаться в виртуальном теневом режиме с
выборочным сохранением данных, проста в обращении.
Defender is an easy-to-use desktop security and privacy protection tool
for Windows operating systems. It provides an excellent way to prevent
unwanted or malicious changes from being made to a PC. With Shadow
Defender you can run system in a virtual environment, called Shadow
Mode. and all the attacks will happed in the virtual environment, not
the real environment. If attacks happened, all you need to do is to
reboot your system. After reboot, the system will be restored to the
original state, as if nothing happened. And meanwhile you can save the
selected files and folders to the real environment.
Defender's protection concept is very easy to grasp. For the software
to do its job properly you have to place the disks installed on your
computer into Shadow Mode. By doing this, the application will take a
snapshot of the disk and run every file in virtual mode. You will have
the same access to the files on the disk but any write action will be
virtual. This means that no matter how many worms and spywares you
infect your computer with, they will not affect the real system at all
because of the virtualization. Once you snap out of this "parallel
dimension" every change to the system and the files on the disk will be
The conclusion in this sense is that the computer
will not be affected by any change and no malicious files will be
written to the PC. The greatest thing is that you can choose what can
actually get stuck on the disk while in Shadow Mode. More than this,
you can decide in advance what files and folders should not benefit
from Shadow Mode protection.
Change Version Fix: compatiable with Nero burning tool. Add: custom threshold free space in shadow protected volume. Add: some GUI changes.
Платформа: Windows® 2000/XP/2003/Vista (32bit) Интерфейс: русский, английский Размер: 1.32 MB