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    WinRAR v3.80 Final Russian Portable
    06.10.2008, 17:27

    WinRAR - один из самых известных архиваторов. То, что он поддерживает архивацию в формате RAR, обьяснять не надо. Кроме того, программа умеет работать с архивами ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE 2.0, BZIP, JAR, UUE, GZIP, BZIP2 и 7-Zip, при этом она обладает многочисленными очень полезными возможностями - шифрование, поддержка непрерывных (solid) архивов, в которых степень сжатия может быть на 10 – 50% больше, чем при обычных методах сжатия, специальный алгоритм для сжатия мультимедийных файлов, поддержка многотомных архивов и многим другим.

    What's new in Version 3.80
    1. Added support for ZIP archives containing Unicode file names in UTF-8 format. When creating ZIP archive, WinRAR stores names in Unicode only if they cannot be stored correctly using the current single byte character set.
    2. Added decompression support for WinZip AES encrypted ZIP archives.
    3. Improved Unicode support for RAR and ZIP archive names.
    4. "Ask before overwrite" and "Skip existing files" update modes are now available in archiving dialog. They allow to specify WinRAR behavior when updating already existing files in archive. Unlike already available "Fresh existing files only" and "Add and update files", these new modes ignore file date and compare only file names.
    Command line equivalents of these modes are:
    a) switch -o enables "Ask before overwrite" archiving mode;
    b) switch -o- enables "Skip existing files" archiving mode;
    c) switch -o+ enables "Overwrite all" mode (default for archiving).
    5. New "Add to context menu" option in "Profile parameters" dialog. If this option is on, the profile name will be displayed in Explorer context menus allowing to activate a profile from context menu.
    6. New -cp switch allows to select a compression profile in command line mode. It is supported only by GUI WinRAR.exe, not by rar.exe.
    7. New "Options" page of archiving dialog contains the group of settings modifying the behavior of "Delete files after archiving" option from "General" page:
    a) Delete files. Delete files normally like in previous WinRAR versions.
    b) Move files to Recycle Bin. Deleted files are placed to Recycle Bin.
    Command line equivalent of this option is -dr switch.
    c) Wipe files. Before deleting file data are overwritten by zero bytes to prevent recovery of deleted files.
    Command line equivalent of this option is -dw switch.
    All these options have an effect only if "Delete files after archiving" is on. You can enable any of these options in the default compression profile to change the defaultbehavior of "Delete files after archiving".
    8. WinRAR "Extraction path and options" dialog is now resizable. You can use the mouse to drag its border to the desired size and provide more space for folder tree pane. WinRAR will store new dimensions of this dialog.
    9. New "Update" SFX script command and "Update mode" group of options in "Update" page of "Advanced SFX options" dialog. These command and options allow to check time and implement file time based updating;
    10. SFX script "Shortcut" command and "Add shortcut..." command in "Advanced SFX options" dialog now allow to specify an icon file containing an icon associated with shortcut.
    11. New "Wipe temporary files" option in "Settings/Security" dialog provides more secure, though slower, way to delete temporaryWinRAR files.
    12. WinRAR and RAR display the total progress bar when unpacking a multivolume RAR archive if all volumes are present in the same folder.
    13. WinRAR and RAR automatically expand names of environment variables in list files. For example, a list file can containlines like:
    This feature is available only in Windows RAR version.
    14. Added support of TAR archives with non-zero "extra field" data.
    15. Added support of TAR archives, which does not contain the end of archive entry consisting of 512 zero bytes.
    16. Improved Unicode support when dragging files from WinRAR window.
    17. Shift+Tab key combination can be used in main WinRAR window to switch the input focus between interface elements (files, comment,tree, address) in reverse order. In previous versions Shift+Tab used the same order as Tab.
    18. Corrected a possible WinRAR crash when opening truncated UDF ISO files.

    Платформа: Windows All
    Интерфейс: русский
    Размер: 1.51 MB

    Download | Скачать WinRAR v3.80 Final Russian Portable:

    Категорія: Файлові менеджери | Додав: Admin | Додано: 06.10.2008, 17:27
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