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Premium Clock v2.50
22.08.2008, 16:17
полноразмерные часы на вашем десктопе: аналоговые, цифровые. Часы имеют
большую коллекцию скинов, которые могут быть скачаны с сайта
производителя; автовыбор скинов по таймеру, изменение масштаба и пр.
Цифровые часы имеют произвольный формат отображения времени. Также:
календарь, мощная поддержка будильников, запуск событий из трея, полное
изменение часов в трее с выбором произвольного формата отображения
времени, изменение панели задач и многое другое.
Premium Clock
includes a fantastic new visual style, nearly a fifty high quality
skins, analog clock, digital clock, fully customized tray clock,
customized desktop, atomic clock, alarm scheduler, calendar, and more!
Premium Clock
is a revolutionary program that lets you enhance your Windows desktop
by adding clocks, wallpapers, and much more to it. This new look is
part of a skin, which is intended to both unify and clear up your
desktop. You can switch skins, customize a desktop, or revert to the
Windows Classic wallpaper.
Premium Clock works on all
Windows systems from Windows 95 to Windows XP. Even the users of old
Win95 and NT4 systems can use all newest features on their desktops:
high resolution skins, wide spectrum of graphical styles, unique
effects, objects and functions.
Once you start using Premium
Clock, you'll know exactly what time it is. Analog clock, digital clock
and calendar can stay always on top or disappear when you move the
mouse cursor over it. It allows you to set up alarms with messages, WAV
files, run files and documents.
Premium Clock replaces the regular Windows system clock with custom format of your choosing. Upgrade the Windows system tray clock.
Premium Clock
will reference an atomic clock server to get the current time with the
greatest accuracy available and update your PC's information. It even
can be set to automatically check the time once a day to keep your PC's
time accurate forever.
Premium Clock includes Skin
Browser. As a part of Premium Clock, Skin Browser makes easy to
navigate between skins and download them. Very neat and simple to use.
A new look of your PC
- perch this Premium Clock on your desktop and you'll never look at
time the same way again. Imagine all the benefits of a real Premium
clock without having to wind it up or set it! Download skins for free.
Time-management tool
- the program features all your timekeeping needs in one neat package:
see the time right on your computer desktop; set alarms for
appointments and deadlines.
Highly customizable - you can
customize alarms/clock sounds, change its appearance downloading new
skins as they become available. Fact is you can turn just about every
aspect of Premium Clock off or on...
Enjoy the clock -
The real test of value in a piece of software is how often it's used.
This refreshing change to the normal premium PC clock is a change
you'll use for hours and hours every day. You're already staring at the
most expensive part of Premium Clock...your PC. Why not add a touch of
elegance and utility to that screen now with Premium Clock!
Homepage: http://premiumclock.com/
О файле: Размер: 3.15 Мб Активация|рег код: есть Язык Интерфейса: Eng Формат файла: .rar Платформа: Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003,Windows Vista