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Lexware Lohn Office Pro 2009 [German]
01.09.2009, 11:52
Lohn Office Pro 2009 это комплекс программного обеспечения для полного
расчета зарплат сотрудников, ведения журналов зарплат, налоговых
платежей, страхования, пенсионных фондов и т.д.
Образ полной версии Lexware Lohn Office Pro 2009 содержит: * Полный расчет зарплаты и расчет зарплаты за 2009 - рекомендуется до 200 сотрудников, почасовые оплаты. * Низкооплачеваемые, имеющие несколько рабочих мест, времменная помощь (финансовая), на 400€ мини-Jobs и т.д. * Свидетельство GKV от имени высших союзов гос. больничных касс * Lexware dakota для передачи данных по параграфу 20 содержащая DEUV *
Зарплата Эльстера: 1. Удостоверения подоходного налога в режиме онлайн
по параграфу 41b EStG, 2. Утвержденная регистрация подоходного налога в
режиме онлайн * Однократные платежи, освобожденные от налога доплаты, VWL * Стоимости выгоды, служебные автомобили, непосредственное страхование, пенсионный фонд и т.д. * Коррекция уже выщитаных периодов * Журнал зарплаты, счета зарплаты, удостоверение подоходного налога, внутренняя ежегодная корректировка подоходного налога.
Lohn Office Pro 2009 is a software suite for the full payroll staff,
logging wages, tax payments, insurance, pension funds, etc. From
your personal software you expect maximum efficiency, saving time and
maximum comfort. These claims office pro 2009 Lexware rewarding
fulfilled to the smallest detail. Accounting and administrative tasks
in the personnel area is done with this compact software professionally
and efficiently.
Fully managed. Working successfully
individual modules form a perfect team: rewarding salary + Lexware pro,
Lexware Lexware reisekosten pro and absenteeism per fully cover all
areas of work from - the entire payroll, travel expenses and any
absences and absence types your employees.
The most modern technology. High capacity
database technology SYBASE allows simultaneous work of several jobs and
also permits the processing of large amounts of data. Of course, once
you enter information immediately available in each program module is
Lexware rewarding salary + pro 2009
* Complete payroll for 2009 - to recommend to 200 employees, hourly rates and fixed salaries * Low income, Mehrfachbeschäftigte, temporary workers, 400 € mini-jobs and low-sliding zone in the area * GKV certificate on behalf of the national associations of statutory health insurance * Includes Lexware dakota for transmitting according to § 20 DEÜV * Magpie-salary: 1 Online income tax certificates under § 41b Income Tax Act, 2nd Approved income tax reporting online * One-off payments, tax increases, Economics * Countervailing benefits, cars, direct insurance companies, pension funds, Riester pensions, etc. * Correction already settled periods * Payroll journal, payroll accounts, income tax certificate, internal annual adjustment of payroll tax
Extensive evaluations
* Payment and booking list * Connection to eService Lexware personal
Lexware pro 2009
* Travel Expenses for domestic and foreign trips 2009 * Database with all countries and currencies Packages * Comfortable vipument recording system with vipument binder * Built-in travel and comfortable vehicle management * Route Planner Europe including city maps * Travel expenses analysis, functional analysis * User-definable time steps and variable expenses Values
Lexware absenteeism pro 2009
* Planning and managing leave and absences (vacation, illness, missions, etc.) * Calculation of leave entitlement (the inlet and outlet, etc.) * Help with holiday planning rules, such as minimum occupation, holiday representatives and regulatory barriers * Recording of absenteeism on graphical Booking Module * School holidays and holiday management * Authorization - preparing and circulating the vacation requests by e-mail
Basis functions Lexware rewarding office pro 2009
Client / Server including 3 workstations - can be extended by
additional licenses on demand, 0180-50 50 166 (0.14 € / dt min fee
information is valid from landline, differing mobile charges.) * SQL database from Sybase * Management of up to 50 companies / clients * Centralized management of corporate, customer and employee information * Transfer data between the applications * Single client backup * Scheme: data access and export for the tax * User-and rights management, including password protection * Web Update * Extensive user and rights management * Microsoft Office ® connection
Year: 2009 Version: Lohn Office Pro 2009 Developer: Lexware Platform: Windows Compatibility with Vista: complete System requirements: • Microsoft Windows 2000, XP or Vista • Pentium Prozessor 4 / 1.3 GHz or equivalent • at least 512 MB of RAM • 1.5 GB of free hard disk space
Платформа: Windows Совместимость с Vista: полная Системные требования: • Microsoft Windows 2000, XP или Vista • Pentium Prozessor 4 / 1.3 GHz или аналогичный • минимум 512 MB оперативной памяти • 1.5 GB свободного места на жестком диске Язык интерфейса: немецкий