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Digital Juice Editors Toolbox 1 - Editors Toolkit Pro vol.170 "Electric Ring" (DVD9/2010)
12.01.2010, 18:00
Крупнейшая профессиональная
библиотека видео-футажей (анимаций) от Digital Juice. Сборник
vol.170 "Electric Ring" входит в серию Editors Toolkit Pro.
В комплекте как и SD, так HD фоматы видео. Используется, как правило,
для создания видеороликов и фильмов, а также анимированного DVD меню.
Digital Juice Editors Toolbox 1 - Editors Toolkit Pro vol.170
"Electric Ring" Разработчик: DigitalJuice Год выпуска: 2010 Язык
Интерфейса: English Платформа/ОС: Windows All, MacOS(X)® Активация|рег
код: присутствует Формат файла: ISO (*.mov, *.wav) Размер
файла: 7,64 Gb (+3% инф./восст.)
На диске: ролики в HD и
SD качестве + озвучки + превьюшки; + Juicer3 (для работы с видео)
complete set of matching graphics animations and elements. Animations
provided in both standard (SD) and high definitions (HD) for all your
needs. Animated backgrounds, lower thirds, overlays, wipes, motion
design elements, & photoshop layered graphics.
Singles Advantage:
Editor's Toolkit Singles are versatile
collections of abstract graphics that make it is easy to create a
professional, high quality look. Each Toolkit Singles volume contains
matching elements in both SD and HD resolutions, allowing producers and
designers to instantly create a dynamic look for a program.
Full Screen Animated Backgrounds - These are full
screen background animations that are great for title sequences, text
templates and DVD menus. Animated Overlays:
Backgrounds with Alpha Channel - Animated overlays are full screen
animations with alpha channel transparency that serve as animated frames
and accents for your video clips. Standard & Mini Lower
Animations with Alpha Channel - Animated lower thirds are
animated elements using alpha channel transparency that commonly server
as anchoring elements for text, nameplates and logos at the bottom of
the screen. Swipes:
Full Screen, Full Color Wipe
Transitions with Sound FX - Animated full screen wipes are textured and
colored animations which serve as a transition between two video
clips.Designed to work without a plug-in on any editing system that
supports overlays, these easy-to-use wipes are as unique as they are
useful. Standard & Logo Revealers:
Specialized Motion
Design Elements - A revealer is a motion design element that comes
on-screen, covers a predefined area and then animates off-screen to
reveal something underneath like a logo or text. Coordinated Juice
Print Resolution Layered Photoshop Files - Juice Drops
are print resolution, fully customizable graphics delivered as layered
Photoshop files. They can be used to create things like matching DVD
faces and cases, coordinated fliers, posters and/or billboards.
/ Установка:
1. Unrar, Burn / Mount.
2. Use F4CG's keygen in
CFE/ dir to generate a valid email/code.
3. Install.