Неприбуткова організація Регіональний Освітній Фонд міста
Горі (Грузія) пропонує усім бажаючим допомогти в пошуку коштів у межах
своєї країни (в університеті, організаціях, спільнотах тощо) для
надання стипендій студентам з міста Горі та оточуючих сіл, які,
внаслідок спустошення під час серпневих військових дій, були позбавлені
можливості платити за навчання.
Сконтактувати з Фондом можна через е-мейл k.gordadze@gmail.com (Kakha Gordadze). Детальнішу інформацію про організацію можна знайти на сайті http://www.gorifund.org/.
Ось текст листа, якого отримала Неофіційка:
I am writing on behalf of the *Gori Regional Education Fund (GREF)*, a non-profit organization in the Republic of Georgia. GREF's mission is to support families in the Republic of Georgia affected by the August 2008 South Ossetia conflict by providing scholarships to students in the Gori Region.
As you are well aware, Gori and the surrounding region were devastated by Russian military operations and the subsequent occupation. Not only did people lose their homes, belongings, and jobs, but due to the destruction to the rural economy, many families have lost their livelihoods as well. Many of the affected are students of Gori University, a University of 1,400 that serves mainly low-income students, 90% of which come from Gori, the surrounding villages, and ethnic Georgian villages in South Ossetia. Many of these students are no longer able to afford tuition, the University's main source of income, and are unable to continue their education.
As many of you know, I started working at Gori University 4 months ago. The GREF is my second voluntary work. The Fund is a registered NGO in Georgia and a partnership between the University of Georgia, Gori University, and former Peace Corps Volunteers. GREF raises money to provide scholarships for students from Gori University, recruits and selects participating beneficiary students, and manages the transfer of funds from GREF to Gori University.
If some of you would like to fundraise in your country, university, organization or community for GREF please find attachment of this e-mail - a zip file containing the GREF fundraising toolkit and PowerPoint presentation (in addition to some other materials). Both files provide more information about our organization, our scholarship program, and the students we hope to support. The toolkit also details fundraising and donation options. If you have any questions, please contact me at k.gordadze@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.
Kakha Gordadze
Project Coordinator
Gori Regional Education Fund
Tbilisi, Georgia"