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    Photoshop CS4 Portrait Retouching Essential Training (2009/Обучающий видеокурс от Chris Orwig)
    19.02.2009, 15:59
    Photoshop CS4 Portrait Retouching Essential Training (2009/Обучающий видеокурс от Chris Orwig)

    Photoshop CS4 Portrait Retouching Essential Training (2009/Обучающий видеокурс от Chris Orwig)

    Photoshop CS4 Portrait Retouching Essential Training (2009/Обучающий видеокурс от Chris Orwig)

    Photoshop CS4 Portrait Retouching Essential Training (2009/Обучающий видеокурс от Chris Orwig)

    Производитель: Lynda.com
    Год выпуска: 2009
    Продолжительность: 12.38 часов
    Размер: 3.64 GB

    Описание на Анг.яз.
    A portrait can be a cherished possession for a lifetime, and now making perfect portraits is just one Photoshop course away. Professional photographer and instructor Chris Orwig uses his vast knowledge of Photoshop to focus on the specific tools every photographer needs to adjust images and keep them looking genuine. Photoshop CS4 Portrait Retouching Essential Training explores this program's deep resources and inspires photographers to do their creative best with everything from blemishes to backdrops. Exercise files accompany the course.

    1. Getting Started
    Initial retouching considerations 5:21 4.6 MB
    Retouching workflow strategies 3:58 3.1 MB
    Retouching roadmap: Making notes 2:33 4.5 MB
    Using a Wacom Tablet 2:21 34.0 MB
    Resources and inspiration 2:11 2.2 MB
    2. Basic Color Correction
    White balancing in Adobe Camera Raw 5:51 12.5 MB
    White balancing with curves 3:10 3.2 MB
    Fine-tuning color with curves 2:17 2.8 MB
    Color-correcting white and black points in a photo 3:32 4.1 MB
    Color-correcting with a color card 2:59 3.8 MB
    Applying curves adjustments to another image 1:55 2.5 MB
    3. Color-Correcting Skin Tones
    Reducing red skin tones 3:36 4.5 MB
    Correcting and enhancing skin colors 2:46 3.7 MB
    Introducing skin tone color correction 3:00 3.1 MB
    Color-correcting skin by the numbers 2:59 3.4 MB
    Color-correcting light skin tones: Male 3:25 3.6 MB
    Color-correcting light skin tones: Female 2:40 3.2 MB
    Color-correcting light skin tones: Children 2:46 3.7 MB
    Color-correcting medium light skin tones: Female 2:46 4.0 MB
    Color-correcting medium dark skin tones: Male 3:44 8.2 MB
    Color-correcting dark skin tones: Male 5:15 12.4 MB
    Color-correcting dark skin tones: Female 2:40 3.4 MB
    4. Reducing Blemishes and Cleaning Up in Camera Raw
    Using the Spot Removal tool 5:11 5.5 MB
    Deconstructing Clone and Heal spot removal 2:59 3.9 MB
    Cleaning up small skin variations 5:36 9.2 MB
    Reducing blemishes and skin shine 3:53 7.0 MB
    Cleaning up a portrait backdrop 1:39 3.9 MB
    Cleaning up a backdrop 4:33 9.3 MB
    Reducing wrinkles and Camera Raw workflow 7:46 12.7 MB
    Removing lens dust from images 2:51 3.9 MB
    5. Reducing Blemishes and Cleaning Up in Photoshop
    Creative tip: Leaving crumbs 1:08 17.0 MB
    Removing background distractions 7:31 7.6 MB
    Removing elements with the Patch tool 8:27 20.6 MB
    Removing T-shirt graphics 4:06 4.7 MB
    Removing distractions near subjects 6:05 16.2 MB
    Simplifying a background 7:24 14.1 MB
    Improving a studio backdrop 5:50 8.1 MB
    Simple skin retouching project 7:29 18.8 MB
    Reducing hot spots 4:55 7.9 MB
    Cleaning up small hair details 9:02 24.6 MB
    6. Cleanup Project 1: Beauty
    Taking notes on an image 2:08 4.6 MB
    Cleaning up small details 7:12 17.7 MB
    Improving an eyebrow 4:13 6.2 MB
    Working on shadows 6:06 8.0 MB
    7. Cleanup Project 2: Fashion
    Creative tip: Letting go of perfection 1:25 21.6 MB
    Cleaning up the background 4:27 6.9 MB
    Improving the face 5:08 8.9 MB
    Cleaning up the details 4:36 8.4 MB
    8. Cleanup Project 3: Fashion
    Cleaning up the background 5:43 6.6 MB
    Improving background tone and texture 6:21 8.1 MB
    Fixing details and wrinkles 4:33 6.2 MB
    Final detail corrections 4:22 9.8 MB
    Bonus color enhancements 3:42 3.9 MB
    9. Correcting Tone
    Creative tip: Movie critic 0:58 14.7 MB
    Correcting tone with the Adjustment brush: Male 5:31 6.9 MB
    Correcting tone with the Adjustment brush: Female 4:58 9.5 MB
    Brightening with the Dodge tool 3:37 5.8 MB
    Correcting tone with curves 5:09 7.6 MB
    Enhancing with curves and the Burn tool 3:40 4.6 MB
    Quickly correcting tone with curves 3:35 4.0 MB
    Brightening with soft light blending 4:35 12.1 MB
    Darkening corners with soft light blending 3:54 6.2 MB
    Enhancing tone with shadows and highlights 2:52 8.7 MB
    10. Reducing and Removing Wrinkles
    Reducing shallow wrinkles with the Healing brush 4:32 5.1 MB
    Reducing wrinkles with Clone Stamp blending 4:02 5.5 MB
    Reducing deeper wrinkles with the Healing brush 5:57 10.1 MB
    Organizing layers and masking 3:15 3.3 MB
    Using the Dodge tool and blending modes on wrinkles 4:09 9.1 MB
    Using cloning, healing, and curves on wrinkles 7:33 9.5 MB
    Removing face and garment wrinkles for a magazine cover 6:43 10.5 MB
    11. Enhancing Eyes
    Creative tip: Art and craft 0:59 15.0 MB
    Adding sparkle to the eyes 4:25 8.6 MB
    Enhancing eye details 3:55 4.5 MB
    Brightening eyes 6:04 7.5 MB
    Improving eyes and darkening edges 5:38 9.8 MB
    Improving eyes with curves and color 5:03 8.0 MB
    Enhancing eyes with curves 3:42 8.6 MB
    Changing eye color 6:18 8.5 MB
    Adding a catch light 2:19 3.4 MB
    Sharpening eyes behind glasses 4:27 5.9 MB
    Whitening eyes 2:24 5.7 MB
    Whitening eyes in detail 7:44 13.0 MB
    Creating "Hollywood eyes" 3:24 3.9 MB
    Modifying pupils and eye edges 5:11 6.9 MB
    12. Enhancing Eyelashes and Eyebrows
    Reshaping an eyebrow 3:24 5.1 MB
    Improving texture around an eyebrow 3:08 4.8 MB
    Darkening an eyebrow 3:50 5.3 MB
    Adding mascara to increase eyelash density 2:11 3.7 MB
    Adding eyelashes 2:54 6.2 MB
    13. Improving Lips
    Enhancing lip color and tone 3:22 4.9 MB
    Using curves and Hue/Saturation to improve lips 4:28 5.0 MB
    Adding dimension, shine, tone, and color 4:11 5.6 MB
    Improving shape and tone 6:10 8.1 MB
    14. Enhancing Teeth
    Creative tip: Ansel Adams 1:36 23.2 MB
    Whitening teeth with the Dodge tool 2:14 3.4 MB
    Whitening teeth with Hue/Saturation 5:17 5.8 MB
    Removing a gap between teeth 2:46 3.4 MB
    15. Improving Hair
    Patching a gap in hair 2:45 4.9 MB
    Covering hair discoloration 3:20 4.8 MB
    Brightening hair for emphasis 3:08 4.5 MB
    Brightening dark roots 4:27 10.0 MB
    Adding hair 4:39 5.7 MB
    Fixing roots and hair color 4:17 9.6 MB
    Removing flyaway hairs 12:44 30.2 MB
    16. Improving Makeup
    Additional makeup resources 1:30 2.2 MB
    Brightening shadowed areas on the face 2:46 3.4 MB
    Adding color to the cheeks 4:59 14.0 MB
    Improving the lips 3:03 7.8 MB
    Modifying lip color 4:28 5.6 MB
    Adding makeup 3:31 4.7 MB
    Modifying eye makeup color 4:58 7.6 MB
    Increasing color saturation and variety 3:19 9.1 MB
    Changing eye makeup color 3:15 5.5 MB
    Creating dimensions with contours 4:23 5.9 MB
    17. Enhancing Skin
    Creative tip: Know when to hold 'em 1:18 19.4 MB
    Reducing skin highlights 4:15 4.4 MB
    Cleaning up small skin blemishes 5:19 6.6 MB
    Healing small skin blemishes 3:15 4.8 MB
    Minimizing color variance 3:31 6.6 MB
    Reducing small details 4:40 7.2 MB
    Advanced skin enhancement 6:17 17.8 MB
    Beauty skin workflow 8:50 16.4 MB
    Fashion project pt. 1: Background cleanup 4:21 6.8 MB
    Fashion project pt. 2: Skin cleanup 3:19 8.7 MB
    18. Skin-Softening Projects
    Basic skin cleanup 2:49 5.3 MB
    Advanced blemish removal 6:39 11.6 MB
    Skin softening 7:05 23.6 MB
    Basic skin cleanup 3:42 8.4 MB
    Enhancing texture and tone 5:12 10.2 MB
    Basic retouching final steps 4:27 7.3 MB
    Final skin softening 6:53 13.6 MB
    High-Pass skin softening 7:38 33.9 MB
    Creating a skin-softening action 7:18 16.0 MB
    Speeding up skin softening with masking 7:01 16.1 MB
    Skin cleanup and softening with Camera Raw 6:53 18.7 MB
    19. Body Improvements
    Creative tip: The ethics of retouching 1:31 21.8 MB
    Yoga project 8:52 18.7 MB
    Fashion project pt. 1: Improving the facial expression 2:44 4.3 MB
    Fashion project pt. 2: Changing the arms 4:43 8.2 MB
    Fashion project pt. 3: Modifying the legs 2:54 3.6 MB
    Fashion project pt. 4: Increasing the height 2:29 3.1 MB
    Fashion project pt. 5: Working with light 6:04 17.2 MB
    Flamenco project pt. 1: Modifying the waist 3:37 6.1 MB
    Flamenco project pt. 2: Improving the waist 1:54 2.8 MB
    Flamenco project pt. 3: Adding height 2:16 3.6 MB
    Flamenco project pt. 4: Color and tone 2:52 7.2 MB
    Muscles project pt. 1: Introducing the Liquefy filter 2:46 2.9 MB
    Muscles project pt. 2: Using the Liquefy filter 5:12 9.8 MB
    Muscles project pt. 3: Burning and dodging 6:19 7.5 MB
    Muscles project pt. 4: Using curves 3:20 4.8 MB
    20. Structural Image Enhancements
    Improving the jaw line with Forward Warp Liquefy 3:21 3.9 MB
    Improving the jaw line with Push Left Liquefy 3:25 3.9 MB
    Improving the jaw line with the Free Transform tool 1:55 2.7 MB
    Creating simple symmetry in the face 7:21 12.4 MB
    Improving the Shape of Eyes, Ears, Nose and Face 3:49 5.0 MB
    Tailor fitting a wedding dress 2:32 4.5 MB
    Improving the face 3:20 8.1 MB
    Reducing the stomach size 4:28 13.1 MB
    Correcting distortion 8:49 13.2 MB
    Combining multiple exposures 4:31 9.4 MB
    21. Retouching Workflow
    Creative tip: Seal on photography 1:28 22.2 MB
    Color-correcting skin tones 4:08 4.5 MB
    Reducing blemishes 3:33 5.0 MB
    Enhancing tone 3:22 4.2 MB
    Adding makeup 5:17 6.6 MB
    Creating dimension with contours 2:57 3.3 MB
    Sharpening eyes 5:22 6.6 MB
    Improving eyes 4:44 7.2 MB
    Lightening dark roots 1:26 1.7 MB
    Smoothing skin 3:38 6.7 MB
    Enhancing color 3:29 6.4 MB
    Modifying the background 6:36 12.5 MB
    Goodbye 0:38 9.3 MB

    Видео кодек:QuickTime
    Видео: avc1 880x660 15fps
    Аудио: mp4a ch1 48000 16 768kbps

    Скачать Photoshop CS4 Portrait Retouching Essential Training (2009/Обучающий видеокурс от Chris Orwig)-3.64 GB

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    Категорія: Графіка | Додав: Admin | Додано: 19.02.2009, 15:59
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